Monday, December 21, 2009

Happy Solstice!

I stayed up last night to harold the sun's return this morning. A coworker and I went up to Red Rocks in Denver to participate in the Drumming Up of the Sun (DUTS). It was a fairly nice morning but a bit windy... Next year I think I'll bring a handwarmer :)

Anyway, I went today because I wanted to be part of the "community." I think next year we should schedule a DUTS in Denver one day and the Springs the other day of the two. (the 21st and 22nd in 2010 are on Tuesday and Wednesday) I went to see omens for the new year that's starting up. And I got one.

As the sun started to peek over the horizon, inflaming the clouds the color of glowing embers, we all cheered. It was a beautiful site. Then the clouds rushed in hiding the sun behind a band of thick black clouds.15 minutes later or so, the sun peeked above the band of clouds on the horizon and entered into the mostly cloud-free sky, smooth sailing for the rest of the morning.

I took that to mean that things are starting to look promising in the world today but there are rough spots ahead and that things may take longer than expected to come to fruition. But once they do, it'll be smooth sailing for us.

So Mote It Be
So Say We All

Blessed Be!

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