Sunday, November 1, 2009

Do You Believe In Life After Love?

Today's song is just the refrain repeating over and over. I take it to be a reality check making sure that I have agreed with the Universe and am ready to move on. For the next year, I am not to pursue a lover. I have other tasks to do before I can get on with that.

I think I can do that. Though the card reader at the Renaissance Festival said I'd meet someone "interesting" (relationship wise) by the Fall, that does not seem to have happened. I'm not sure what form this hiatus will take but I am sure that it will be interesting. Perhaps I'll finally get some of my creative juices flowing--and to be fair, that's what I think this is all about: giving me some time to get some work done that I haven't yet. Not that I've spent a lot of time relationship-hunting but I need to pull some of my resources away from worrying about it.

The Universe knows what it's doing, even if I don't :)

Title Reference: Cher: Believe">

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