Sunday, November 1, 2009

We're On a Road to Nowhere

At tonight's Samhain ritual, a woman was reading cards if anyone wanted to look into the coming year. I asked why 4 estranged "friends" had shown up back in my life this week: one owes a lot of money, one was a "stalker" of mine who's now in prison, one who often cuts himself and is now pre-op to become a female. Hmm, I can't recall the fourth. But you get the idea.

Anyway, the Reader's spread was an interesting mix of male and female energy, exactly balanced. Nearly every card had fertility meanings and nearly every one was in opposition. I can't help but feel that means I need to put my dating goals on hold. Or at least not center stage. The only fertility card that was not in opposition was the first card which was said to represent the coming decision I need to make about the "friends" coming/returning into my life. She said, like the wolf, I need others around me but they need to be equals not dogs who are subordinate. Without these others I was flounder looking to fill their places in my life, bringing "less worthy but available" induhviduals into my space. The Boar card was inverted which showed baby boars suckling against their mother or rooting through refuse. She suggested that the card might mean either nourishment from things others consider waste or bringing toxins into my life. I felt strongly that it was a warning to not let myself be depleted by all the people in my life who "want something." The opening card said I was starting a journey, the final card showed the end of the journey by next Samhain or so.

So what is the journey, what am I going to do this year? I think the fertility that was in the cards was a sign of the writing I'm supposed to be doing this year. Last Yule I got a project thrust upon me. And it's been chewing at me for awhile while I ignored it--or rather got too busy to devote appropriate time to. I'm going to start devoting at least an hour every other day to writing and see where it takes me.

Wish Me Luck!

Title Reference: Talking Heads Road To Nowhere

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